Towel Toppers with Ruffles

These towel toppers with ruffles are by Christyl Lorraine. The yarn types she uses vary, from Red Heart to Lion Brand. The buttons are large and are plastic or wood. The yarn is synthetic unless cotton is specifically requested. This pattern is also by Christyl Lorraine.

Images © Christyl’s Creations

Pattern by Christyl’s Creations

The Silly Sloth & The Squirrel


The silly sloth so loved the squirrel,
that the two ran paw in paw,
looking for snarks and going for larks,
and outright defying the law.

While chasing their tails, delivered, the mail —
a letter was once dropped off.
A letter for me? A letter for you!
But at papers, both did scoff;

Yet the letter did hint at a tale of tails,
and that did so interest them,
that they ripped it open, ripped it apart,
and could not at all read it, then!

So they threw it upwards; it rained like confetti,
and they danced under the falling tatters —
and then they sang a song; a laughing sweet song
their feet going pitter-a-patters;

And they ran through the woods, and over the sky;
they ran until time stood still —
they ran and they ran until they fell down,
and lay oh-so-dead on the hill…

~ Chrissy Lorraine

© Chrissy’s Creative Corner 2020

All images public domain

The Cancelled Day Trip

A Poem With a Focus on whole-line Alliteration in the Order of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG,
also using those same letters for most of the words in each line,
as a tip of the hat to the poetry rhyme scheme of the Shakespearean sonnet
(while also being a Shakespearean sonnet).

starfish-2423999_1920 Blue

The Cancelled Day Trip

Andromeda always admired Atlantis,
because of the blue-sanded beaches;
Alas, her avowed, adored friend, Amaranthus,
Was backward, belligerent, and bleakish:
She couldn’t come up with a canny enough cause
to decide her in definite deployment;
instead, she capriciously caressed her crude claws,
distressing her dire disappointment.
In ebullient, edifying, ecumenical eloquence,
her friend fought fiercely in favor –
with encouraging, effervescent, and enthusiastic elegance,
and familial and facultative flavor.
Gainsaid, she was, though, with god-awful gibbering,
and grotesque was her girlfriend’s long graceless gloating.

~ Chrissy Lorraine

© Chrissy’s Creative Corner 2020

All images public domain