Welcome to Christyl’s Creative Corner!


Welcome to Christyl’s Creative Corner!

This site is the official website for the creative works of Christyl – aka Chrissy Lorraine. This site is dedicated to showcasing the products of Christyl’s music and singing, her visual art, and her other hobbies, which include crochet, sewing, and several other crafts. When and if an Etsy store is created, this is the place where the links to each of the products will be – for those who want to order. Please use the menu to the left to navigate the site. To put in any product requests, please use the contact form in the side menu on this site.

Christyl aka Chrissy Lorraine is also a writer who has several pieces published in various books, magazines, and journals, as well as one self-published children’s book. Most of her work is published under various pen names, which she has used to separate the genres of her writing. Her pen name, “Amarine Rose Ravenwood,” is for feminine poetry. “Mina Marial Nicoli” is for children’s fantasy stories and whimsical poetry. “Saoirse Fae” is for fairy tales and fairy tale poetry. “Phoebe Grant” is for light-hearted mock-horror, such as dark fairy tales. Her artwork is all signed “Lorraina” (a phonetic spelling of her name). In these ways, she separates all of her work into their own categories and fields. She even had a couple of poems published by her college Literary Arts Journal, riverrun, under her old nickname of “Nina.”

Enjoy your visit!

Amiimaker Unicorn Amora Amigurumi

Amiimaker Unicorn Amora amigurumi doll crocheted by Christyl. The original pattern was embellished for this project, adding crocheted flowers around the horn, a ribbon necklace with created ribbon rose, and ribbon ties for mane and tail braids.

Pattern was created by Marina Dessotti and can be found for free, here.

Towel Toppers with Ruffles

These towel toppers with ruffles are by Christyl Lorraine. The yarn types she uses vary, from Red Heart to Lion Brand. The buttons are large and are plastic or wood. The yarn is synthetic unless cotton is specifically requested. This pattern is also by Christyl Lorraine.

Images © Christyl’s Creations

Pattern by Christyl’s Creations