Faith (in the face of Covid 19)


Frail, we fear,
but our fear stands alone:
our faith, it is here,
and our hope is regrown.

Between these, we swing,
like a great pendulum:
our hope on a string,
and our fears, genuine.

And meanwhile, our God
gazes down from above,
as our lost go to sod,
and we teach of His love.

Is He calling us home,
to our Heaven, our bliss?
Is He culling with comb,
taking us home like this?

We can’t know; we guess,
and we hold out our faith,
using our breath to bless,
living by what He saith.

But these times are so hard,
there is so much of pain –
leaving us scarred,
‘tho the death rate may wane.

And the fear does us harm,
as our stress is a thief,
raising the alarm,
and prolonging our grief.

So, in prayer, we rise,
and we show love to all,
for each one who dies
has answered the Call.

But we know it will end;
we hold on, we dream.
We cherish each friend;
we stifle our scream…

When it’s over and done,
and the danger has passed,
we’ll count losses, each one,
our grief, unsurpassed;

we’ll rise in mourning,
a unified cry;
pain blazing a warning,
as we ask our God “why?”

But we’ll get no answers,
God doesn’t speak loud;
just as with cancer,
all death is allowed.

So remind ourselves, now,
and tell every friend,
God made us a vow,
that He’ll keep, in the end:

that Heaven awaits,
for those who stay strong,
that death has no dates,
and God does no wrong;

that all, by His will,
happens by His plan;
that no measure of skill,
by man, cheats past His span.

So, we place our trust
in Him who protects;
we do what we must,
as His loyal subjects;

and we pray every day,
that His will be done –
that our strength will stay
‘til this battle be won.

The end, it will come,
For each, one and all –
right now, for some,
or later, withal.

To take it with grace
is expected of us,
right now, in our space,
with not too big a fuss,

as we isolate,
to keep others safe,
we cooperate,
our role, we don’t chafe;

supporting in love,
our family and friends;
and God, we speak of,
‘til this life, it ends.

~ Chrissy Lorraine

© Chrissy’s Creative Corner 2020

All images public domain